Spine One

  • Category: Workplace
  • Location: Lone Tree, CO
  • Owner/Developer: Spine One

This spinal surgery center (ASC)/outpatient clinic is located in a quiet neighborhood in Lonetree, CO. The building is part of two projects that was completed on this parcel. The first project was a child care facility to the south of the ASC. The neighborhood is a mix of residential, industrial, and commercial properties. Our architectural response to this mixed-use setting was to design a playful exterior that complemented the child care project. The building is a two-story steel framed structure with a basement. The first floor is the surgery center with pre-op areas, recovery area, operating rooms, and office areas. The second floor has a rehabilitation and physical therapy office. The basement level has imaging (MRI) facilities that created several design challenges from potential electromagnetic conflicts between MRI and other equipment and building structure. Since imaging technologies are constantly evolving, ease of future replacement of equipment had to be considered and paths designed to move equipment in and out of the building.